Sampath Bank’s Group pretax profit for the first half of the year exceeded Rs 10.3 Bn (28.2% growth) while Sampath…
De La Rue, the leading global identity and currency printing business first entered into a Joint Venture (JV) with the…
2017 revenue crosses Rs. 3 b mark, gross profit up 23% Chairman optimistic recent measures by Govt. to put the national economy back…
The Sri Lankan government is reworking on the draft of a memorandum of understanding to hand over the management of…
Afghanistan which packs over US $ 3 trillion in identified natural resources has issued an open call to Sri Lankan…
Moving into Second Position While Overall Market Declined 1.8% in Q2 2018, According to IDC According to preliminary data from…
The outstanding debt of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) last year stood at 10.8 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP),…
GlobalData has ranked Sri Lanka as the fourth fastest growing tourism market in the world. Iceland, Japan, Hungary, Sri Lanka…
Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA), China and India are jointly investing over US$ 700 million to develop three key ports…
Two years after opening its representative office in Yangon The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has opened a microfinance company as…