Union Assurance (UA) recently partnered with Union bank for a preferred partnership in Bancassurance operations with the objective of strategically…
In a combined effort to provide Sri Lankan smallholder farmers with an affordable solution for protecting crop yields from adverse…
The government has already received 88 enquiries for the Hyatt and Hilton Hotels from leading investors from all over the…
Sri Lanka claimed the top spot in the Lonely Planet’s best travel destinations list of countries to visit in 2019,…
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka has set up a regulatory framework that would allow companies to do business-to-consumer, known as B2C,…
MF's Mission Chief for Sri Lanka Manuela Goretti IMF says multi-pronged reforms effort remains key for SL to strengthen resilience of…
A Whistleblowing Policy and a Code of Conduct for all employees at the Central Bank (CB) have been introduced, in…
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka will get 30 million euros from France for a project to cut transmission losses at state…
As exclusively reported by Daily FT, the Central Bank yesterday confirmed that the $1 billion Foreign Currency Term Financing Facility…
Oct 16, 2018 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s economic growth is projected to recover from the effects of last year’s weather…