Harsha Amarasekera PC was appointed as the Chairman (Non-Executive, Non- Independent) of Sampath Bank PLC with effect from 30th August…
Direct General, BOI Sanjaya Mohottala, met British High Commissioner Sarah Hulton at the High Commissioner’s residence recently to discuss investment…
AWNLR falls sharp 131bps to 9.87% indicating significant boost to small bizDecline in prime lending rate close to its historically lowest…
“Many investors from Belgium, Singapore, Japan, and Korea have pledged their willingness to commence various trade activities in the Colombo…
Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga will present to the Cabinet the case for re-opening the Sri Lankan borders as early as…
Market capitalisation up by Rs. 32 b during two daysS&P SL 20 Index up over 2%; Commercial Bank and JKH…
One of the country’s foremost entertainment brands, Evoke International (Pvt) Ltd celebrated its 12th anniversary recently. Evoke is the largest…
Fiscal deficit increased to 3.9% of estimated GDP, up from 2.8% in 2019 Tax revenue down to Rs.508bn from Rs.705bn last…
Apparel exports during the first six months of the year (1H’20) declined 30 per cent to nearly US$ 1.8 billion,…
The loss of tourism and remittances receipts is expected to shave off between 3.8 per cent and 4.3 per cent…