The Colombo High Court yesterday imposed a fine of Rs. 220 million on three accused, including alleged drug dealer Gampola Vidanage Samantha Kumara, alias Wele Suda, and his wife
This is considered one of the largest fines imposed in Sri Lankaâs judicial history for offences under the Money Laundering Act. The first accused, Gayani Priyadashani alias Suji, the wife of Wele Suda, was found guilty of 18 charges out of a total of 55 charges. Wele Suda was found guilty on four counts, while the third accused, Kambare Arachchige Wasundara, was found guilty on two counts.
In addition to the fine, High Court Judge Adithya Patabendige ordered the confiscation of assets and money registered under Wele Sudaâs wifeâs name after they were found guilty of amassing illegal assets through drug trafficking.
The confiscated assets include a BMW vehicle valued at Rs. 4.45 million, a Prado Jeep valued at Rs. 6.6 million, a Discovery Jeep valued at Rs. 4.5 million, four properties, a house located on Bagatelle Road, Rs. 18 million deposited in a safe locker, 2,601 grams of gold stored in a safe locker, and furniture valued at Rs. 3.6 million.
Three accused, including the alleged drug dealer Gampola Vidanage Samantha Kumara, alias Wele Suda, and his wife, were sentenced to eight years of rigorous imprisonment by the Colombo High Court.
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