The Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) has announced new maximum retail prices for specific types of canned fish, effective today. This directive, issued under Section 20(5) of the Act, prohibits local manufacturers, packers, distributors and traders from selling or displaying canned fish at prices higher than the stipulated rates. The types of canned fish and their maximum retail prices (MRP) are as follows: ⢠Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis rochei, Euthynnus affinis, Auxis thazard)  â¢Â 425g (Net Weight) / 280g (Drained Weight): Rs. 380 per can ⢠155g (Net Weight) / 105g (Drained Weight): Rs. 180 per can ⢠Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber japonicus, Scomber australasicus) ⢠425g (Net Weight) / 280g (Drained Weight): Rs. 420 per can ⢠Jack Mackerel (Linna â Decapterus russelli) ⢠425g (Net Weight) / 280g (Drained Weight): Rs. 560 per can
A special Iftar ceremony was held yesterday evening at Temple Trees in commemoration of the…
The Director of Polonnaruwa Hospital, Dr. H.M.I.U. Karunaratne, has been appointed as the Acting Director…
The U.S. Embassy in Sri Lanka, in partnership with the U.S.-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission, will…
Customs authorities have announced new regulations for importing motor vehicles, including hybrid and electric vehicles.
Leader of the House, Minister Bimal Ratnayake said that steps will be taken to forward…
Grab your suitcase and your passport — TIME has just released its list of the…