Ajith Mannapperuma was sworn in on Friday (09) as a Member of Parliament in the presence of the Speaker, replacing Ranjan Ramanayake.
According to the results of the last Parliamentary Election, Ajith Mannapperuma led the SJB preferential vote list from among those who were not elected to parliament, with 47,212 preferential votes.
Mannapperuma entered parliament for the first time in 2013 to the seat left vacant following the demise of late MP Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena.
He was re-elected to Parliament in 2015 and was defeated in the 2020 General Election.
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Trust the newly appointed MP will not follow the path of Ranjan Ramanayake. Dignity of an MP is of utmost importance. Ranjan played to gallery at all times. According to the results of the last Parliamentary Election, Ajith Mannapperuma led the SJB preferential vote list from among those who were not elected to parliament, with 47,212 preferential votes.