Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami thanked Prime MiÂnister Narendra Modiâs intervention to secure the release of 75 fishermÂen and 42 fishing boats under Sri Lankan custody but urged the PM to ensure the release of 107 more fishing boats still in Sri Lanka.
âAfter repeated efforts by the State government in India, Tamil fishermen and their boats detained in Sri Lanka will be released soon,âIndian Express reported.
âThe detention of men and equipment is gradually becoming a political issue as it threatens the livelihood of lakhs of people, and the CM has been taking it up with the Centre repeatedly. âOn behalf of the people of Tamil Nadu, I thank you for your personal intervention and sincere efforts which have enabled the release of the fishermen and the boats,â the CM said in his letter to Modi on Saturday.
The State received communication from the external affairs ministry about the release of 42 boats even before Prime Minister returned after inaugurating former president APJ Abdul Kalamâs memorial on July 27, said Palaniswami. Now information reaching here said a court in Lanka ordered the release of 75 men, he added. Palaniswami urged Modi to instruct Lanka to secure the release of the remaining 107 boats, which are languishing in Lankan custody to ensure there was adequate reciprocity to various measures taken by the Centre and State governments to resolve the vexatious issue.
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